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OpenGL Optimalisation

Roan requested to merge opengl/optimalisation into develop

Created by: RoanH


First of, this PR is non-breaking with respect to visualisations. However to get the optimal performance for your visualisation everyone will still have to make a few small simple changes to their visualisations.

For a quick overview of everything that was optimized see #64 (closed). There are definitely still optimalisations to be made. However I figured that it's probably better to get this merged now and possibly add those changes as separate PRs later if desired.

Todo list for visualisation maintainers:

  • Colors are no longer rgba so an array with only rgb arguments will suffice. I made the OpenGL implementation trim the alpha argument if it's present so nothing breaks, but this is some easy optimalisation.
  • If you make use of shapes that had specialized shaders implemented for them you should read the shaders section in the documentation to find out how to make use of them (or see the OpenGL demo for an example).

Rendering performance is usually between 10ms and 100ms on my desktop. afbeelding Memory issues are not really a thing anymore as far as I can tell with the NCBI set only taking 2GB of RAM.

I apologize for the 226 commit, +2136/-625 PR review :3

fixes #64 (closed) (detailed PR information) fixes #23 (closed) fixes #21 (closed) fixes #68 (closed)

Merge request reports