Update to IslaLib v7.15
- Ensure timing and exception handling for all command handling paths
- Pass config loading failure to runtime exception
- Cleanup
- Ensure that the correct stalled command is removed on timeout
- Merge branch 'deferredexceptions' into 'master'
- Update to InfinityCore v4.15
- Merge branch 'infinitycore-v4.15' into 'master'
- Update to InfinityCore v4.16
- Merge branch 'infinitycore-v4.16' into 'master'
- Update to GitLabAPI v5.16
- Conform to new API
- Merge branch 'gitlabapi-v5.16' into 'master'
- Update to GitLabAPI v5.17
- Merge branch 'gitlabapi-v5.17' into 'master'